1.I try to set the Notification but it fail, So I fall back to connect to SimpleBLEPeripheral . It is also not easy,too. Beacuse there are few example on how to set Notification and most of them are not correct.
2.I make a few mistake on a)Got the wrong Charateristic UUID of 0xFFF4 it is 0x002f instead of 0x002e b)I should use GATT_WriteCharValue() instead of GATT_WriteNoRespon() c)req.cmd = 0, not 1;
3.Next step is to parse the Notification Message and try to port to ANCS
PS.The "MSG: 7" on the LCD Screen means, it has got 7 Notification. (BLEPeripheral will send out notification every 5 seconds)
PS.Another problem of why it is hard to debug is I cannot tell if BLEPeripheral has really got my Command from BLECentral. I don't know where to put my Log
PS.The most useful ulr is this one.TI China Support Forum.
Hi, I am fly, i am start to develop cc2540 ble , and can teach me how to enable ansc with ios device , thanks
Posted by: fly | January 18, 2014 at 10:19 AM
1.I don't know how to enable ancs via CC2540 (that is the official way)
2.But I know how to force ios7 device to be ancs device by program, please check my Apple ANCS with CC2540 (2) post. There is a link to github code.
3.I will finished my notification test , then I will go back to try how to enable ancs via CC2540.
Posted by: Tze Chien Chu | January 19, 2014 at 05:50 PM