Lorem Ipsum books, a bookstore in Cambridge, Mass, is up for sale. Cambridge is one of the great bookselling towns of the world, and Lorem Ipsum was founded as a project by an MIT Media Lab grad named Matt Mankins, to explore sustainable business-models for brick-and-mortar bookselling. Now Mankins has moved to NYC to be CTO of a big magazine publisher, and he's taken to Hacker News to solicit buyers and ideas for the store (which is losing money).
實體書店該如何是好?這是個問題 我很喜歡書但是我也都上網買書 我也不愛逛誠品書店 雖說逛書店會有些書的奇遇但是卻不是那麼熱衷或是說在意 主要常去的書店是微風紀伊國(喝下午茶)和Sogo JUNKUDO 拿網路上訂的日文書 我覺得書店要以辦現場活動來吸引客戶 當一切都可以在線上買到 現場的魅力該如何營造就不是單純的書店外觀擺設的問題了