Four groups of functions:
Windowing functions (e.g. Hamming window)
FFT functions
- Windowing function
- Fast Fourier Transform
- Complex magnitude (absolute value of complex frequency)
- Miscellaneous functions: logarithm(x), exp(x), pseudorandom generator
- GCC ( Rowley CrossWorks, Raisonance, …)
- Keil MDK-ARM
- IAR Embedded Workbench
Windowing functions (e.g. Hamming window)
- Windowing is very common step before FFT calculation
- Perform speed optimized windowing of input signal before FFT
- 16 to 32 bit version performs proper scaling of 16 bit signal for 32 bit FFT
FFT functions
- Complex and real FFT, 16 and 32bit FFT versions
- Radix4/2 FFT – sizes 4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048 and 4096
- Inverse FFT available
- Real FFT enables much more efficient processing of the real signals
- 16 bit FFT precision comparable with other fixed point implementation – precision determined by necessary scaling by 0.5 in every FFT stage
- 32 bit FFT increases dynamic range by 90 dB , needs extra 20% to 50% cycles
Coefficients located in Flash. RAM location
faster FFT for higher latencies.
- Calculate complex frequency magnitude mag=sqrt (re^2 + im^2)
- Based on custom 32 bit square root algorithm (7/13 cycles)
- Multiple versions of different speed / precision tradeoffs for 64 bit sqrt
- Calculate log2(x) and exp2(x) = 2^x
- log2 input, exp2 output: 16q16 unsigned 1/65536 to 65535+65535/65536
- log2 output, exp2 input : 5q27 signed -15.99999 to 15.99999
- speed: 11/10 cycles ; precision 0.4 ppm / 3 ppm for log2 / exp2
- single multiply conversion to log10(x), ln(x), 10^x, e^x and generic base log, exp