That picture is a microchip. A small channel is built onto the 壓克力 or glass with the semicondutor technology.
經典的公司如 Caliper.
Lab automation is studied in the 1980s. Most of them are container trasfering 或 liquid handling. However, most companies 轉換注意力到Biotechnology. 因為藥廠或醫院較有錢, 或DNA、基因之流的名稱較炫,或許較容易騙到政府專案的贊助經費.全世界皆此...... 例如US NIH一年的經費約與台灣一年政府總預算相當. 所以後來 Lab Automation 幾乎與 Biotechnology 劃上等號. 其他像 Chemical Analysis 之類的後續研發幾乎被遺棄.
經典的公司如 Tecan.
台灣有精密機械(車床)有半導體 有創投應該有公司可以投入.就差有熱情願意砸錢的大咖。
That picture is a microchip. A small channel is built onto the 壓克力 or glass with the semicondutor technology.
經典的公司如 Caliper.
Lab automation is studied in the 1980s. Most of them are container trasfering 或 liquid handling. However, most companies 轉換注意力到Biotechnology. 因為藥廠或醫院較有錢, 或DNA、基因之流的名稱較炫,或許較容易騙到政府專案的贊助經費.全世界皆此...... 例如US NIH一年的經費約與台灣一年政府總預算相當. 所以後來 Lab Automation 幾乎與 Biotechnology 劃上等號. 其他像 Chemical Analysis 之類的後續研發幾乎被遺棄.
經典的公司如 Tecan.
台灣有精密機械(車床)有半導體 有創投應該有公司可以投入.就差有熱情願意砸錢的大咖。
Posted by: 路人A | August 08, 2009 at 07:17 AM
因為從設計到生產到測試和過認證的時間太長 沒有大咖有興趣的 哈哈
Posted by: Tze-Chien Chu | August 09, 2009 at 01:07 AM