e化未來教室 掌握世界也抓住學生的心
唉! 教學不是資訊的灌輸 也不是聲光效果的比較 教學是一場對話 我們的小孩 整天都在螢幕的攻擊下 電視手機電腦連教室都裝上的大螢幕 我們的小孩將來只能透過螢幕與人互動了解世界嗎? ..... 難道教學只剩下一張張的PowerPoint ? Slide Show ? WWW ? 滑鼠鍵盤互動? 真悲哀ㄚ
"教育的內涵其實就是師資" --this sentance seems strange in this news reporting.
e-education project is to allow the vendors to sell more junks that will go obsolete in 2-3 years.
Black/white board has been in used for hundreds of years and they have not gone out of style in Harvard or MIT. Buying laptops for students in classroom or library are more useful than buying new teaching gadgets that cost too much to maintain.
Posted by: Fred | June 09, 2009 at 11:30 AM