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November 07, 2008



其實人民並不反對二岸交往, 人民反對的是馬政府在交往時一付"落翅仔"的樣子。1. "名稱不重要"--先生,小姐,"您"都可以。 2."談話內容不重要"--只要能上床辨事就可以。3. "反對意件不重要",不然你要怎麼樣?掐他脖子嗎?教警察(公安)來關你一輩子。真是一中各婊的傳人。


我覺得民意代表通通都被打死似乎也不錯 :D


The Sheriff (head of police) is elected by the people as people know that the officiers and regular policemen are just tools that follow the order much like soldiers. The Sheriff has to take the full responsibility of the action of his policemen under his order. The Sheriff win their respect from the people when his officers treat people with justice not rage or discrimination.

Police are brutal in the US for a good reason since people own guns and weapons. Racial (discrimination) issue and police brutality have caused US Government millions of dollars. Rodney King beating incident caused LA riot for 1 week. So people are not rational when provoked.

However, people trust their own police chief, representatives in congress and state. Most local elections are landslide victorys. On the other hand, people distrust "Congress" and "politician" as a whole. The politicians who work in My favor are good but those politicians who I disagree with are all corrupted and waste tax payers money. That is similar between US and Taiwan.

China has a way to replace a generation of corrupted officials with another younger generation of corrupted officials. The package change and the way they extract money from general public also change but as long as "greed" and "fear" are what it take to mantain social order, you can kill (execute)all the corrupted politicians and the situation remain.

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