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July 07, 2008



The solar power energy producing over 40 years will certainly above its production energy consumption. But I would say the calculation is not meaningful. His solar power economic calculation has pointed out a fact that the current fossil fuel / nuclear / hydro/ wind based electric generation is far cheaper than solar (without subsides). The main advantage of solar is distributed energy generation (no transmission lines). The killer for the solar is the battery and the cost of repairs. There are hurricanes, tornado, hail storms, i.e. the elements of God. I am not surprised that more than 50% of Taiwan's wind mills are out of commission. It is very hard (expensive) to keep large structure outdoor and generate so little energy. We need at least 1G Watts plant to spread the cost of maintenance so the economic will favor a large concentrated plant. Unless there is a major breakthrough in technology, solar PV system will remain a niche play, which is still a billion dollar business!

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