我的觀點:我喜歡她用"曬"這個字 超可憐的感覺 哈哈哈 當然啦 如果是去南極或是大沙漠或是爬玉山之類的 這是唯一的Solution,可是在台灣騎腳踏車就不是個好Solution 應該這麼說啦可以當Plan B但是不應該是Plan A 所以電池應該是不要帶才對 直接對Notebook電池充電就好了
This type of experiment has been done by "solar car race" in the US and the world for at least 20 years. www.americansolarchallenge.org and www.wsc.org.au Note where the race was taken place and the size of the battery. My old school (UMR or Missouri S&T) has been in the race (and won a couple of world championship trophies). If there is no Sun, the car is not running at all! The folding bike is not designed for long distance travel. Dragging along a heavy battery was a bad idea. Three key elements for all solar car is low wing drag, largest surface area and highly efficient Lithium Ion battery. The battery itself cost upward of 50K USD (usually a donation from the manufacturer). So even after 20 years, this remains the critical piece of the technology that has not seen much improvements.
Posted by: Fred | July 07, 2008 at 07:09 AM
BTW, you are absoultely right about charging the laptop battery directly. He can fit his bike with a small bike generator (usually used to power head lamp) and charge the laptop, cell phone and other 3C products that he carries along the trip. I think he can get more power out of his own leg (and gravity) than solar!! One of our freshman engineering project is to design an efficient bike generator for regular 5V/12V/19V charging circuits. The product itself already contain a battery so there is no need to add additional battery.
Posted by: Fred | July 07, 2008 at 07:19 AM
I agree, that it is much easy to get the power from his wheel .
Anyway.I think it is fun to let people know the reality of solar power.
Posted by: Tze-Chien Chu | July 07, 2008 at 07:40 PM