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June 10, 2008



The issue here is the concept of "public service" and "mandatory sacrifice" do not apply to politicians in Taiwan.

The president Ma himself set a bad example so no one cares about the rules and regulations about the vetting process before a cabinet post is assigned.

An army contractor here in the US would require extensive background checks and "loyalty" testing and declaration.

The validity of security clearance, citizenship and the PR (green card) status is determined by a special court. It is not something indivdual can declare by himself without proper paper work and procedure.

Chinese and Taiwanese likes to take the ambiguity route so the society condone the leagal "gray" area as long as the performance meet expectation. A "don't ask, don't tell" ploicy might work for a developing nation but not a norm for a "developed" nation.

Ask any Chinese if they would allow Hu or any cabinet members to have a green card or dual citizenship. Is Taiwan has a lower standard than China on this issue?

Dishonesty is a trademark of this new admistration in Taiwan so it is too hard to ask the cabinet members who lie about their background to leave their posts now.

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