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March 22, 2008





It is a resounding defeat for the DPP and its candidates. The results showed a normal democratic process where elections can win or lose within a few years.

More than half of the eligible electors (17M) in Taiwan did not choose Ma. If the presidential election adapt the "referudum rule", then Ma still did not "win" as he did not pass the 8.6 M votes threshold. This means that he still needs to listen to the silent majority plus the 5.4 M people who voted for the other candiadate.

People like to fool themselves as I heard DPP had prediciting a narrower margin before the election. Then I heard the women voted 65% in favor of Ma which means there is no chance that DPP can dent the lead in all of the issues raised during the campain, Green Card, one China, Corruption...etc.

The only chance DPP has in the next 4 years is if Ma some how get into an affair with other men or women (really don't know his preference). I am just joking.. Don't be sad for the loss. It is a good thing for DPP after 8 years of laboring process of governing a new country.

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