最近看了很多的經濟學家對於中國在20年內會成為世界最大的經濟體得預測 我實在不以為然 當然我不是經濟學家 我不過是個搞系統設計的 但是我還是想說一下 沒錯再資本主義的無道德 共產主義的無神論 人性的貪婪下中國會成為世界最大的經濟體 一個比美國社會更不正常的經濟體 一個人口老化嚴重 貧富差距過大 糧食不足 環境破壞 污染嚴重 長期缺水的國家 一個政治不透明 經濟受管制的國家 他會是一個不成熟的世界最大的經濟體 將會是個災難的開端
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There is a possibility that China would become the world's economics in "next" 15-20 years. However, it would need to reform on almost every aspect of its economy, laws and govermnent which may never happen. Japan and Germany has a chance to over take US as the No 1 econmics in the "last" 20 years but they did not. It is because of their own limitations. EU already has higher GDP than the US. So it is not very meaningful to fall into the mind set of who is No 1. The nationalisim zeal only push the country into disaster as Japan and German did more than 60 years ago. Will history repeat itself? I hope not. I have no problem with a prosperous China that is "world #1 GDP" as long as it is a civilized country. Form what I read and heard, it may take China another 100 year to reach that standard as long as it does not cause trouble (war) for its own people.
Posted by: Fred | October 26, 2007 at 09:16 AM