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September 11, 2007


Fred Chu

There are several SMS-like services for automatic paging and information distribution exist in the US. Two services that I had encountered are 1) school inform your kid is absence today. 2) political candidate either ask for donation or for support. These are automatic generated message generation to someone's phone with machine like text to speech conversion or partial pre-recording messages. I think Chinese will be a challenge in text to speech since a lot of SMS does not make sense in speech. I typically just hang up the phone when I hear the machine generated message!

I saw a company advertise personal protection service in Taiwan. I think there might be a large market for E119 location and dispatch service at less than 100 dollars a month. The key is to have a spoof proof system so your team is not chasing "false alarm" all the time. Medical tracking and remote medicine is not economical in both US and Taiwan for the general market. GPS enable phone are very cheap and widespead these day. An universal panic bottom on every GPS enabled phone may save the user the initial cost. The tiered service start from just dail 119 automatically to dispatch in priority and auto paging (SMS) your dedicated friends, family members or family doctor. If can find support from ChungHwa Telecom or other competetive cell provider as value added service, that would be a great start.

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